• COVID-19

    Since we cannot safely hold face-to-face meetings at the moment, examug will be held via Zoom. Join in on the day – members will have been sent the password, non-members can request an invitation.

March examug + IMPORTANT change of date

It’s Spring! Woo hoo!!! It will soon be Summer and even sooner it will be the next examug meeting.

Apologies for the short notice, but due to factors outside of our control we are going to need to postpone our March meeting by one week. Instead of taking place on Tuesday 14th as previously advertised, it will now be on Tuesday 21st. But we promise it will be well worth the wait!

Details below:


Date: Tuesday 21st March

Time: 6.45pm – Coffee and Cakes from 6.30pm

Location: ISCA College, Exeter



We have a jam packed meeting planned, starting with a talk on Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication is defined as: a method of confirming a user’s claimed identity by utilizing a combination of two different components. Two-factor authentication is a type of multi-factor authentication.

So now that’s clear, let’s move on…


As part of our ‘Staying Safe’ series of presentations we will explore the increasing use of 2FA (and that starts by explaining what it is!). With standard security procedures (especially online) only requiring a simple username and password it has become increasingly easy for criminals (either in organised gangs or working alone) to gain access to private data such as personal and financial details and then use that information to commit fraudulent acts, generally of a financial nature.

We will demo some types of 2FA and show you how to turn it on for your important accounts (email, AppleID, etc, etc). By the end of the session you will be both, wiser and safer! It’s a win-win.

After the break we have two options. We are running our final prosumer photo session – this time on the awesome Capture One (https://www.phaseone.com/en/Products/Software/Capture-One-Pro/Highlights.aspx). Kris Frank will be talking on:

– Essential techniques for taking the perfect photo (briefly).

– Essential criteria for choosing good Photo Editing software for when you don’t take perfect photos!

– Why Kris chose Capture One Pro to succeed Apple’s editing program ‘Aperture’ in being his photo editor of choice (and his photo storage program) to help him deal with all his many imperfect photos.

He will giving a demo of ‘Capture One Pro’ in editing some of his summer photos to illustrate what it does better than ‘Aperture’ to improve them (and what it doesn’t) so you can hopefully see whether it is right for your individual needs. He will also cover the all important prices of C1 to buy, or rent monthly (c.f. ‘Lightroom and others).

And finally he will try and answer any individual questions you may have!

If that doesn’t appeal we have another option: “Graham’s Top 10 iOS Games“. The title pretty much says it all! I will demo my top 10 iOS games, everything from short time fillers, to longer experiences to while away the cold winter evenings. Words games, action games, puzzle games and more, we guarantee you’ll see something that sparks your interest. Plus there will be a chance to share some of the games you enjoy.

All that and as normal we have another great set of Raffle prizes, including more Apple merchandise, and some other treats.

It is possible Apple will have one of their Spring Special Events before our meeting. If so this may change the nature of the first talk, but we will keep you informed. If Apple choose to hold their special event on the evening of the 21st March we will show it on the projector just like we have done when this has happened in the past. 

Hope to see you there.


examug Chair

web: www.examug.org.uk

twitter: @examug

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