• COVID-19

    Since we cannot safely hold face-to-face meetings at the moment, examug will be held via Zoom. Join in on the day – members will have been sent the password, non-members can request an invitation.

January 2021: Music to your ears!

January examug:

Music to your ears!

It’s 2021 and it’s examug Zoom time again. 

We have all the ‘usual’ zoom delights: news; Q/A; iOS App pick and our main presentation…

By popular request it’s ‘Battle of the Music Services’. We will give our take on Apple Music vs Spotify vs Amazon Music. What you get for the money, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each, and what would we recommend. The answer might suprise you…

So join us on Zoom at 7.00 pm this coming Tuesday 19 January and hear all about it.

Email us if you need the meeting ID and password.

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